Thursday, 3 October 2013

Easy Homemade Printable Games And Activities For Kids To Make

In the school holidays there is nothing worse, than being all out of ideas of what to do, so here a few ideas to keep you occupied.

Fun To play Spelling Game

Directions for Use:
Print pages 2-3 of the download (page 1 is my Terms of Use) on white cardboard.
Mount the two pieces of paper on colorful construction paper.
Tape in the back.
Then cover with clear contact paper.
OR… if you have access to a large laminator, mount the pieces on construction paper and run the game through!
Make your own cards with dimensions a little larger than 2 x 3 inches OR print the blank cards on pages 4-6 of the download.
Write one spelling word on each card.

Directions for Play:
 You'll need playing pieces, a die, playing cards, and paper and pencil (optional).
Take turns reading the top card to the other player.
The other player must spell the word correctly to be able to roll the die and advance.
Optional: The other speller can write the word and then read the spelling aloud.
This might be the best option for young spellers.
The first to reach Finish, wins!

Print it out here

Icecream Game

How to play

Match the colors of the Ice cream scoops with the colors inside the cone. Match the ice lollies with the stick of the correct color name.
Learn colors & color names!

You will need
Papers, file folder, scissors, glue
Optional: removable labels such as Post-it (see our tip below)

How to make this file folder game:

Print out the template.
Lay down the file folder like an open book and glue page 1 and 2 inside.
Cut out the scoops and lollies on page 3 with scissors.
Cut out the pieces on page 4 to label and decorate the cover of the folder.

Make the storage pocket as shown or store the cut out pieces together safely in a bag or envelope.

Cut the sticky part of Post-it (or any removable label) and glue the non-sticky side to the back of each cut out ice pieces. The children can then stick and re-position the pieces over and over again.

You can stick them all together (like a Post-it pad) to store more easily.

Try printing the scoops and lollies on heavier paper for durability.

Print it out here

Rain & Rainbow Board Game

This Rain & Rainbow board game is a variation of Snakes & Ladders.
Rainbows take you up to higher numbers (like ladders) and black clouds and rain bring you back down to lower numbers (like snakes).

Got it? Try chasing the rainbows and not get soaking wet in the rain

How to make and play your Rain & Rainbow Board Game

Connect page 1 & 2 to make a complete game board.
Cut the solid grey lines to make slits for the rainbows.
Cut up all the pieces of rainbow and fold the ends.
Insert the folded ends into the slits to create 3D rainbows as in the photo below.

You don’t need to glue anything, they will stay up and can be taken off to flat pack everything for storing. Neat!
Use the little characters and a dice to play. (Dice is not included in the template.)
You can play the game in exactly same way you play Snakes & Ladders.
Your little players can climb up the rainbow when they arrive at the start of a rainbow. I
f you land on black cloud, you’ll get rained down to the end of the rain drops!
Your goal is to reach the sun at the end. Roll a dice and have fun!

Print it out here

Word Search

Just click on the link and print it out



April Fools Word Search


Just click on the link and print it out

Bears a plenty

Ghosthouse Maze

Christmas Maze

Flash Game

Just click on the link and print it out

Join the dots printable

Have Fun

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