Thursday, 10 October 2013

Pirates Treasure Hunt Picnic For Boys Of All Ages

There is something about having a pirates hat on that just makes you say, ''Eye eye me hearties''

And having the fun of cork, searching for the lost treasure or walking the plank while trying to hold a plastic wine glass of blood.

Lets begin by making us a pirate hat and an eye patch.

Download the template here and then assemble.


Eye Patch

Now that you have completed that, lets get some food together for the picnic

At the supermarket you will need these items

Gob stoppers
Mini Chicken legs
Tomato Sauce
Cup Cake Mix

Making up The Food

Eyeball jelly cups

Set a packet of normal jelly in clear plastic cups and place an  eyeball (round lolly or gob stopper) inside the jelly and leave to set.

Dirt Crunch Sandwiches

Real traditional pirate food

Big thick bread, with butter and Marmite, covered in lots of chippies, cut into triangles and
placed into glad wrap, and ready to go into the pirates treasure chest.

Peg Legs dipped in blood

Mini Chicken drumsticks with tomato or BBQ sauce on the side

Scull & Cross bone cupcakes for dessert

Make the cupcakes to the packets instruction and when cooled, ice and then make a cross with the liquorish and place on top of each cupcake.

Pirates Blood

This could be anything, but small cans or bottles of Raspberry Fizz sounds good to me

 Designing the treasure chest to place your food into

Here is the treasure chest template

Here are the instructions

Once you have made up your chest start assembling your food in there, and then move on to making the treasure map

Depending on who your inviting you will need one map between two people, so you maybe able to copy the first one in your printer at home, so that you can get the copies without the hard work.

Download and print the template here

Decide where you are going to hide your treasure and make up and design your map accordingly.
You may need some help with this, as if you hide the treasure it wont be as much fun to play the game.

Some Games to Play

Walk the plank

Set up a plank or balancing beam for the pirates to walk along. Use pillows or gym mats to break the fall. Award prizes for the pirates who make it across.

Who can make the best looking glass

Roll up newspaper,or a magazine secure it with tape and then draw all over the roll with felts, paints or what ever is handy and design the best looking glass ever.

And then the Treasure Hunt

Divide into groups of two and start at the start and follow the instructions the first group to get to the treasure wins it.

Wow have heaps of fun, and place some pictures on the blog, so I can see you all dressed up

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